Doctor John Carter (Inquests)

by aussie @, Tasmania, Australia, Friday, December 30, 2016, 23:13 (2971 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

I think I posted my reply in the wrong place last night, sorry! Here's a copy...

Hi aussie,
aussie has posted a reply on "Doctor John Carter":

Subject: Doctor John Carter
Hi MPGriffiths,

Thanks so much for your reply. Yes, John CARTER and Elizabeth HALE were my 5 x Gt grandparents and that is the correct marriage date and I've also seen that incorrect spelling of her name on one of the Ancestry trees. Getting his baptism and parents sorted is my main problem.

Their son Thomas is my ancestor. I didn't have the baptism dates for his siblings. Thanks for the additional information. I have the digital image for Thomas's marriage. LONGNEY and WATTS were the witnesses, so no help there. Yes, I will search for John's and Hannah's marriages. I will also check the CARTER / GREENWAY marriage and review the 1851 census. At the moment I can't recall if it was Thomas's mother or mother-in-law who was his neighbour.

Thanks for the burial info too.

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