Doctor John Carter (Inquests)

by aussie @, Tasmania, Australia, Sunday, March 19, 2017, 05:00 (2893 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Thanks so much for this interesting information. This is way more than I expected, but it's great to know this stuff is online.

Kind regards,

The National Archives has the

Will of Richard CARTER Physican, Arlingham dated 1658 - which can be downloaded for £3.45

Gloucestershire 1608 Men & Armour for Gloucestershire


Henry CARTEL - Weaver A40 (age around 40) - tallest stature. trained.

Thomas CARTER - weaver A20 (age around 20) - meanest stature
*(fit for pioneer or of little other use)

Margaret CARTER - subsidy man widow has a musket and a caliver furnished (women's lib!!!)

Richard CARTER A20 - lower stature
(fit to serve with a caliver)

Gyles CARTER yeoman - A40 - middle stature. trained. subsidy man
(fit to make a musketeer)

Thomas CARTER servant to the said Richard FRYER. A20. meanest stature
*(as above)

The website will show you what these men are fit for i.e. Pikeman etc. depending on their height.


Portrait of Gloucestershire by T.A. Ryder (First edition printed 1966)

Arlingham, as might be expected from its position inside the loop of the Severn, has suffered much in the past from floods; there were disastrous ones, causing loss of life and musch damage, in 1483, 1607, 1628, 1629 and 1703. Nor was the flooding the only hazard, if we are to believe an entry in an old register which runs;

Jan. 20 1606-7, Tuesday - a great flood with a strong south-west wind, many sheep and cattle lost. The somer following there was a most extreme hot somer, in so much that many died, with heat; and in 1607 was a wonderful frost, after all which was a dearth.

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